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Winter can cause a great deal of worry for homeowners. From severe cold weather, to heating costs, to potential plumbing disasters, the cold weather can sure be unforgiving. 

Many types of plumbing emergencies call for turning off the main water supply. Do you know the location of your home’s main water shut-off valve? Equally as important are the shut-off valves located behind individual fixtures and appliances.

Flooding from burst pipes is one of the most common reasons that homeowners call plumbers. Knowing the location of the main shut-off valve to your house can save headaches, money, and property. It is often in a basement or on the outside of the house. It should be located on the side facing the street because the main water lines usually run in a straight line from the water meter at the street into a property. There is another valve inside the water meter box that is maintained by your water company. If you cannot find the meter shut-off valve for your house, call the water company. They may send someone to shut off their valve at the meter or tell you how to do it.

In addition to the main shut-off valve, each appliance, toilet, and sink should also have one. Do yourself a favor and locate each one, particularly those that control water to dishwashers, washing machines, and water heaters. Knowing where these are ahead of time keeps you from panicking if water starts leaking from one of these major appliances.

If you have a leak, call Roberts Plumbing. We have the tools and equipment to identify and repair leaks efficiently. Water takes the path of least resistance, not just down or sideways but also up. If a leak is present, the plumber will check hidden areas such as behind walls, in ceilings, and crawl spaces for water seepage or damage. Repairing leaks also saves water.