
Posted by & filed under Scott's Plumbing Tips!, Uncategorized

Drain and pipe clogs are the bane of sinks and bathtubs everywhere, and they can be infuriating to deal with. While some are easy enough to clear out with hot water, or with basic plumbing devices like snakes, some are simply too large, too thick, or too compacted to be easily removed. In these situations,… Read more »

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A few simple plumbing preparations now will help prevent headaches and costly repairs throughout the fall and winter months. 1. Disconnect outside water hoses. If left connected, water in the hoses can freeze and expand causing faucets and connecting pipes inside your home to freeze and break. 2. Make sure outside faucets aren’t dripping or… Read more »

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Sick of your old, leaky, water hog of a toilet and want to buy a new one? You’ll find water-efficient toilets with an array of options: Factor in Efficiency when Deciding the Best Toilet to Buy: The drive to innovate started in 1994, when the 1.6-gallons-per-flush (gpf) mandate went into effect, replacing the 3.5 to… Read more »

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Septic systems treat sewage with naturally occurring bacteria found in wastewater. Septic System homeowners should use a live organic bacterium that breaks down the presence of unnatural substances and solids, like detergents and soaps, that sometimes enter your septic system. If these common household substances penetrate your septic system, they kill off the naturally occurring… Read more »